CHWs Our Work + Our Health Study
CHW's Work and Our Health Heading link
Community health workers (CHWs) are frontline public health workers who are trusted members of the communities they serve. Although CHWs have been shown to influence positive health and financial outcomes through their outreach efforts, referrals, data collection, and other services, very little is known about their own health. Frequently, CHWs attempt to help people who are struggling with the same issues they themselves are facing or have recently faced. CHWs need to process the challenges of their clients while managing their own triggers and fears. Despite this, CHWs regularly report tremendous satisfaction with their jobs because of how highly they value helping their peers. Having stable CHW employment may improve CHWs’ health status through greater access, resources, and empowerment but it is also possible that the strains of the job (emotional and economic) worsen their health. The CHWs Our Work + Our Health Study will survey and talk with CHWs about their health and experiences, with the goal of informing how to best integrate CHWs into health and community systems, what wrap-around supports might most impact their health and well-being, and how to encourage optimal client, organizational, and societal outcomes. This work is critical because the CHW workforce is growing rapidly, most states are developing CHW certification standards, and Medicare is starting to reimburse for CHW services. Every day CHWs are on the front lines addressing inequities; this work will strengthen their efforts and impact.